Our Females
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Bear Creek’s Dashes Dream "Eden"
Eden has a sweet personality. She is a great combination of a loyal companion, great looks, and an athletic retriever.
Sire: FC AFC Glenhoma’s El Chupacabra (2017 National Open Qualifier), son of FC AFC Wood River’s Franchise (2x National Finalist) and Watermark’s Think Pink MH
Dam: Trinity’s Deal with the Devil SH daughter of FC AFC River Okays Way-Da-Go Rocky and Contender’s Lake City Echo MH
60 lbs.
Hips OFA Good
Elbows OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Bear Creek's Gotta Lotta Love "Suki"
Suki has a sweet temperament and is loyal and affectionate. She is extremely athletic and birdy.
Sire: Seasides Troublesome Foul Pursuits son of FC AFC Seaside's Gorgeous George (by FC AFC Rockliff's Justdoit) and Seasides California Chrome (of FC Meriva IV)
Dam: Wingate Reine of Brensue, granddaughter of AFC Tea Bears Road Trip
60 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear
Bear Creek's Western Dreamer "Shadow"
Shadow is a sweet and playful dog that loves to retrieve. She is athletic and a wonderful companion.
Sire: Trinity's Technologically Impaired MH son of FC AFC High Tech CEO (by NAFC FC AFC Ebonstar Lean Mac) and Ace Armor Finest's Black Jet SH
Dam: Riptide's Frozen in Time out daughter of FC AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky and Contender's Lady Antebellum MH (by NAFC FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade)
55 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Bear Creek's What a Treat "Sunny"
Sunny is affectionate, loyal, and eager to please. She retrieves well and has an easygoing temperament and playful personality.
Sire: Mill Pond's Code Name Rawhide MH son of NAFC AFC Ebonstar Lean Mac (by FC AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis on the Plains)
Dam: Riptide's Hidden Treasure MH daughter of FC AFC Cuda's Blue Ryder MH (by Barracuda Blue MH) and Diamondbacks Black Hawks MH)
60 lbs.
Hips OFA Good
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Carrier
Chocolate Factored
Riptide's Fighting Spirit SH "Moxie"
Moxie is a brilliant dog with incredible drive and athleticism. She is eager to please and has been easy to train.
Sire: FC AFC TaylorlabCalumet's Big Blue
Dam: Stone's Daisy
65 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Riptide's Last Ride of Trinity "Izzy"
Izzy is a social and driven dog that loves to please. She is very athletic, trainable, and has excellent conformation.
Sire: Mill Pond's Code Name Rawhide MH son of 2x NAFC 2x CNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac and FC AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis on the Plains
Dam: Knob Creek's Straight Outta Compton MH daughter of FC AFC Close-Hauled To Windward and My-Emma's Yellow Daisy MH (by FC AFC Fordland's Bored Out Ford -2011 Hall of Fame)
60 lbs.
Hips OFA Good
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Carrier
Riptide's Sin City "Vegas"
Vegas is a tremendous athlete with a very fun, playful, and easygoing personality. She is social, affectionate, easy to train, and is a fantastic family companion.
Sire: FC AFC Hockley Creek's Switch Hitter son of 2014 NAFC FC AFC Texas Troubador and FC AFC Dance Hall Gal. Grandparents include FC AFC Weezer Retreezer, 2007 NFC AFC Candlewood's Something Royal - 2014 Hall of Fame, 2005 NFC AFC Clubmead's Road Warrior - 2014 Hall of Fame, FTCH Pokolodi's Go Go Sally.
Dam: HRCH Blackshirt's Triple Option Threat MH MNHZ daughter of 2011 NFC FC Watermark's Running Back MH and HRCH Revitt Up Sugar Star MH (grandparents include 2006 NAFC FC AFC Carbon Copy of Horn Creek - 2008 Hall of Fame, FC AFC Watermark's Mardi Gras, '03 NFC AFC FC Five Star General Patton, Dakota's Sugar Foot QAA)
58 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Riptide's Solo Session SH "Solo"
Solo is a well-rounded, even temperament dog with a never-ending desire to please. She is loyal, easy to train, and has plenty of drive to hunt all day. She is an excellent companion both in the field and as a family pet.
Sire: FC AFC Cool Fuel MH son of FC AFC Tealcreek Patton's Saber and FC AFC Flyway's Ruby B. Gonia (grandson of '03 NFC AFC FC Five Star General Patton and 2006 NAFC FC AFC Carbon Copy of Horn Creek)
Dam: Rebel Ridge Jamaican Me Crazy MH daughter of FC AFC Way-Da-Go Call of the Wild and FC AFC Rebel Ridge's Devils Luck MH (Granddaughter of FC AFC Cuda's Blue Ryder MH and FC Running with the Devil - 2001 High Pt. Derby Dog)
65 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear
Riptide's The One Has Claws "Sheeva"
Sheeva is a loyal hunting and family companion with exceptional athleticism, drive and energy. She has a great sense of curiosity that serves her well in the field, making her willing to do whatever is asked.
Sire: Esprit's Out Of The Woods QAA son of FC AFC Code Blue 2000 Hall of Fame FC AFC FTCH Fishtrap Debbie Does Ducks
Dam: Trinity's Deal With The Devil daughter of FC AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky and Contender's Lake City Echo MH (by FC AFC It's All Over Now Baby Blue and Nilak Bayer's Sweetness QAA)
55 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Riptide's When in Rome "Romy"
Romy is an attractive and compassionate dog with incredible drive and enthusiasm in the field. She is the perfect combination of family and hunting companion.
Sire: NAFC FC AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade son of FC AFC Code Blue - 2000 Hall of Fame and Ms. Lean Mac'ce QAA (by 2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac and FC AFC CFC Candlewood's MS MB Kate)
Dam: Riptide's Hidden Treasure MH daughter of FC AFC Cuda's Blue Ryder MH (by FC AFC CFC CAFC Barracuda Blue MH) and Diamondbacks Black Hawks MH (by 2008 NFC FC Two Rivers Lucky Willie and FC AFC Pinehurst's All That Jazz)
55 lbs.
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbows OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear
Riptide's Catch My Breath "Gunny"
Gunny has a very sweet personality, is gentle, and is a great companion. She is beautiful, athletic, and loves to retrieve.
Sire: Trinity's Technologically Impaired MH son of FC AFC High Tech CEO (by NAFC FC AFC Ebonstar Lean Mac) and Ace Armor Finest's Black Jet SH
Dam: Trinity's Riptide Ribbon Reaper MH, daughter of Trinity's Riptide Ryder MH (by FC AFC Cua's Blue Ryder MH) and Trinity's Gremlin Repear MH (by NC FC AFC Dewey's Drake of Moon Rivers JH)
50 lbs.
Hip OFA Excellent
Elbow OFA Normal
Eyes OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear

Riptide's Night on the Town "Fancy"
Fancy is a fun, athletic and friendly companion. She is the perfect combintaion of gentle friend, loyal partner and skilled retriever.
Sire: FC Gemstone's Skyy Blue sone of NAFC FC AFC Texas Troubador and FC hardscrabbles Captain Morgan
Dam: Pow's Hard-Buns Marlie daughter of FC AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns (by FC AFC Espirit's' Power Play and FC AFC Mand M's Buns of Steele)
55 lbs.
High Country's Heavenly SH "Harley"
Sire: Truline's Just Floyd son of Valtor's Hayseed Kid and Sealock's Sky Wilder
Dam: Peterson's Show No Mercy daughter of KPR's Wet Willie and Walnut Lake Eager Beaver
Hips OFA Excellent
Elbow OFA Normal
CNM Clear
EIC Clear